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江玉敏1, 李云晴2, 黄玉华2
1.北京中医药大学研究生院, 北京 100029;2.首都医科大学附属北京中医医院妇科, 北京 100010
[目的] 本研究旨在调查女性流感样病例瘥后期症状与月经周期的相关性。[方法] 使用在线问卷调查的方式,针对拥有规律月经并明确病原体的女性流感样病例,采集参与者的基本情况(年龄、身高、体质量)、流感样疾病的发病阶段、病原体以及瘥后期症状,分析瘥后期症状分布及影响瘥后期症状的相关因素。[结果] 对514例女性样本分析揭示,流感样疾病瘥后期症状与发病阶段、月经变化以及身体质量指数(BMI)相关。多变量Poisson回归分析表明:相对于非经期及其前后发病的患者,月经期发病的患者中,经期延长的女性不寐易醒、咳嗽咳痰频率增加,而经期不变的女性易疲倦的频率较低。经前期发病时,月经未提前的患者瘥后期更易疲倦咳痰、不寐易醒。相比于正常体质量范围的人群,低体质量患者在瘥后期咳嗽咳痰症状增多。[结论] 本研究强调了发病时机以及对应的月经变化与女性流感样病例患者瘥后证的关联,尤其在经期发病时,月经的表现有助于评估流感样病例病情的进展并预测瘥后期特定症状的发生,为个性化医疗干预提供了科学依据。未来研究可进一步探究不同月经周期流感样病例的证型分布、瘥后期各症状的长期转归等,以深化理解,指导临床实践。
关键词:  流感样病例  疫后诸证  热入血室  月经周期
Different manifestations of influenza like illness during different menstrual phases: a questionnaire survey
JIANG Yumin1, LI Yunqing2, HUANG Yuhua2
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Traditional, Beijing 100029, China;2.Gynecology Department, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
[Objective] To investigate the correlation between symptoms of recovery period of influenza like illness(ILI) in females and the menstrual cycle. [Methods] An online questionnaire survey was conducted targeting females with regular menstrual cycles who had experienced ILI. The survey collected basic information such as age,height,and weight,and also identified the pathogens involved,the stage of menstruation during which ILI occurred,and post-recovery symptoms. The study focused on the stage of menstruation,identified pathogens,and post-recovery symptoms,analyzing the distribution of these symptoms and the factors influencing them. [Results] Analyzing a sample of 514 women,we found that recovery symptoms of ILI are linked to the timing of disease onset stages,variations in menstrual patterns,and body mass index(BMI). Multivariate Poisson regression. analyses demonstrated that,compared to those with disease onset outside the menstrual window,women whose illness began during menstruation-specifically those with extended periods-exhibited higher frequencies of insomnia and cough,whereas those with unchanged menstrual durations reported lower fatigue levels. Premenstrual onset without menstrual advancement was associated with increased fatigue,cough,and insomnia in recovery period. Women with lower BMIs showed elevated coughing symptoms during recovery as opposed to those within standard BMI ranges. [Conclusion] Our findings emphasized the significance of disease onset timing alongside menstrual fluctuations in relation to recovery symptomatology in female patients with ILI,particularly in the period of onset,the utility of menstrual characteristics was helpful to gauge disease progression and anticipating the occurrence of certain symptoms recovery. This provides a foundation for evidence-based personalized medical interventions. Future studies should consider delving deeper into the distribution of disease manifestations across different menstrual phases and long-term symptoms of later stage outcome trajectories to enrich our understanding and inform clinical practices.
Key words:  influenza like illness  recovery symptom  invasion of heat into blood chamber  menstrual cycle