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朱丽颖1,2, 张丹丹1,2, 杜宏英1,2, 于明星1,2, 朱彦1,2
1.天津中医药大学组分中药国家重点实验室, 天津 301617;2.天津国际生物医药联合研究院中药新药研发中心, 天津 300457
关键词:  3D细胞  微流控芯片  药物毒性评价  生物打印  类器官
Research status of 3D cell microfluidic chip model and its application in drug toxicity evaluation
ZHU Liying1,2, ZHANG Dandan1,2, DU Hongying1,2, YU Mingxing1,2, ZHU Yan1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Component-based Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Research and Development Center of Chinese Medicine, Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biomedicine, Tianjin 300457, China
At present, the traditional cell culture and animal models used for pre-clinical drug screening and evaluation have different degrees of defects. Three-dimensional cell microfluidic chip model as a new research model in vitro, can simulate high tissue physiological structure, function, structure of biochemical and mechanical environment, maintain tissue function is stable, long-term training in physiological and pathological model was constructed, drug screening and regenerative medicine has broad prospects. In this paper, the research progress of 3D cell microfluidic chip model was reviewed. The advantages, feasibility, application cases and existing problems of 3D cell microfluidic chip model were discussed with drug toxicity evaluation as the focus, and the great value and broad application prospects of 3D cell microfluidic chip model were prospected according to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation research.
Key words:  3D cell  microfluidic chip  drug toxicity evaluation  bioprinting  organoid