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李田甜1,2, 吴美蓉1,2, 李霖1,2, 张晗1,2
1.天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学, 现代中药创制全国重点实验室, 天津 301617
关键词:  芳香开窍药  血脑屏障  卒中
Mechanism of aromatic resuscitation herbs on blood brain barrier regulation in stroke
LI Tiantian1,2, WU Meirong1,2, LI Lin1,2, ZHANG Han1,2
1.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.National Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Modernization, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Stroke is an acute diseases of the nervous system,is the world's one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability. After stroke,the blood-brain barrier will be damaged,followed by brain damage,nerve damage,and increased risk of bleeding and other serious consequences. Aromatic resuscitation herbs have a history of thousands of years in the treatment of stroke,which can play the characteristics of light and buoyance of drugs to achieve the role of resuscitating the brain. Modern studies have found that aromatic resuscitation herbs can not only restore the permeability of the blood-brain barrier after damage,but also promote drugs to enter the brain through the blood-brain barrier to play a role. The main mechanisms involved are regulating the expression of tight junction proteins and neurotransmitters,acting on transporters,and regulating inflammatory responses. Therefore,this article reviews the mechanism of aromatic resuscitation herbs in regulating the blood-brain barrier after stroke and the development of orifices combined with modern new preparations.
Key words:  aromatic resuscitation herbs  blood-brain barrier  stroke