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Volume 23,Issue 1,2004 Table of Contents

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Pathogenesis theory of blood stasis and influence on later generations in Neijing(1-4)XU Zong-pei[Abstract][PDF 260.94 K]

Discussion on acupunturn and moxibustion therapy from The Golden Box(5-6)ZHONG Qiang-wei[Abstract][PDF 133.90 K]

Heat unique pathogen brings on diseases and it’s syndrome and treatment on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber(7-9)MA Xiao-feng[Abstract][PDF 199.41 K]

Discussion clinical instruction significance with theory of phlegm disease of traditional Chinese medicine(10-11)ZHENG Kai[Abstract][PDF 133.17 K]

Nursing research

充分发挥青年知识分子在高校中的作用(45-46)董宪麟[Abstract][PDF 113.40 K]


鱼腥草治疗急性上呼吸道感染52例观察(14-14)董俊华[Abstract][PDF 79.71 K]

黄文政教授治疗IgA肾病的经验(31-32)张丽芬[Abstract][PDF 129.45 K]

针药并用治疗更年期综合征(33-33)王卫[Abstract][PDF 64.12 K]

不同药物治疗急性扁桃体炎的疗效观察(34-34)官大隽,董俊华[Abstract][PDF 67.55 K]

中药治疗慢性盆腔炎32例临床观察(35-35)方玲,尹菊[Abstract][PDF 64.55 K]

口腔扁平苔藓治疗中的辨证思维(36-37)朱愉[Abstract][PDF 122.82 K]


Influence of Salvianolic acid B on pathomorphology in myocardial infarction rats(12-14)FAN Ying-chang,ZHAO Gui-feng and ZHANG Wen-zhi[Abstract][PDF 223.87 K]

Separation of peroxy-ergosterol in fungus Zhuhuang(15-16)LIU Ya-feng and PAN Qin[Abstract][PDF 158.75 K]

The effect of Qingjieling combined with choledochostomyon the content of phospholipase A2 and oxygen free radical in organic tissue of rats with acute cholangitis of severe type(16-18)ZHAO Cheng-mei,SHEN Bin,HUA Qian-tang[Abstract][PDF 231.30 K]


美国高等教育教学状况分析(19-21)于越[Abstract][PDF 167.32 K]

高等中医药专业教育远程教学课件的开发思路(22-23)高学全[Abstract][PDF 120.02 K]

天津中医学院五年制医学生临床实践能力培养模式的调研分析*(24-25)孟繁洁,杨勇,陈力[Abstract][PDF 121.37 K]

元认知理论在留学生中医专业课阶段汉语教学中的实践(26-27)于鹏[Abstract][PDF 125.71 K]

关于中医专业双语教学的思考(28-29)马佐英,刘公望[Abstract][PDF 119.81 K]

中医院校留学生汉语教学改革思路与方法(30-30)刘振荣[Abstract][PDF 67.20 K]


Observation of effect on hemiplegia treated with acupuncture method of reducing yin and nourishing yang(38-40)QI Hong-mei[Abstract][PDF 198.77 K]


脏腑兼证的研究进展(41-44)周霞继,陆小左[Abstract][PDF 267.70 K]

Garden spot for students

桂枝配伍临证发挥(4-4)赵海丰[Abstract][PDF 71.67 K]


葛根素对心血管作用的研究(47-48)刘冬梅[Abstract][PDF 152.02 K]

中医治疗非阳亢性高血压的概况(49-51)白静[Abstract][PDF 209.80 K]

针灸疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的研究概况(51-53)赵红,陈元粉[Abstract][PDF 217.22 K]

狼疮性肾炎的研究进展及中西医治疗概况(54-56)陈婕[Abstract][PDF 224.43 K]

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