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Volume 26,Issue 2,2007 Table of Contents

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Zhouhou Beiji Prescription and its textual research on origin and development in treating injury(57-58)MA Wen-li[Abstract][PDF 96.68 K]

Nursing research

浅谈藏医放血疗法(96-98)王超,郭义[Abstract][PDF 130.40 K]

校园网络安全现状分析及对策*(99-101)高学全,付岩,祁建松,祁葆义[Abstract][PDF 122.25 K]

虚拟现实技术在中医教学的应用(102-103)付岩,高学全,祁建松[Abstract][PDF 84.49 K]


中药结合推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症90例(85-85)赵铎[Abstract][PDF 47.72 K]

理气升提治疗呃逆19例临床体会(87-87)白静[Abstract][PDF 48.17 K]

贾英杰教授使用蒿芩清胆汤治疗恶性肿瘤经验举隅(92-92)李小江[Abstract][PDF 53.13 K]

中药薰蒸、湿敷配合推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症55例(101-101)刘宝铭,刘筠[Abstract][PDF 37.04 K]

中草药药枕结合推拿治疗颈椎病疗效观察(109-109)杜书浩[Abstract][PDF 52.88 K]

Clinical research

Analysis of TCM syndromes at onset of stroke(59-60)HUANG Yu-hong and ZHANG Bo-li[Abstract][PDF 96.26 K]

Personality of five types of people with five kinds of constitution in patients with depression(61-62)ZHENG Kai-mei,ZHENG Lei,ZHEN Hong-gen[Abstract][PDF 98.63 K]

Treatment of congestive heart failure with combined traditional Chinese and western medicine in thirty-two patients(63-64)JIA Xiu-li[Abstract][PDF 96.61 K]

Experimental research

Experimental study on the protective mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine (Xinshen Ⅰ Prescription) against stress ulceration in rats(65-67)LU Guang-xiang,WU Cheng and LI Hui-ji[Abstract][PDF 146.84 K]

Effects of xuebijing injection on organ function and mortality in rats with sepsis(68-70)WU Zi-xia,LI Yin-ping,QIAO Youg-jie[Abstract][PDF 156.72 K]

Research of traditional Chinese drug

Comparative study between pharmacodynamics and contents of active components in extracts of Kang-gan compound with different method(71-73)LI Jin,WANG Jian,ZHONG Pei-ru[Abstract][PDF 143.56 K]

Stability of periplocin in the mimetic digestive fluid(74-76)WANG Yan,REN Xiao-liang,PAN Gui-xiang[Abstract][PDF 330.13 K]

Optimization of extraction conditions of volatile oil in chrysanthemi indici by orthogonal experiment Method(77-78)LI Feng-li,LI Jin,CHEN Tao[Abstract][PDF 93.89 K]

Examination of optimum technique and dissolution time for Shuanghuanglian Dripping Pill(79-80)ZHOU Li-ling and ZHANG Shi-yu[Abstract][PDF 93.74 K]

Determination of levofloxacin in healthy human plasma by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method(81-83)TIAN Jun-sheng,YANG Jia-feng,WANG Yue-fei[Abstract][PDF 281.77 K]


七年制生理实验教学改革初探(84-85)苗戎,陈静,李春深,周涛,谭俊珍[Abstract][PDF 87.98 K]

《诊断学基础》课程教学方法的探索和实践(86-87)裘晓华[Abstract][PDF 87.98 K]

试论学校品牌定位策略与过程(88-89)欧斯玛尼·张[Abstract][PDF 88.08 K]

构建泛读教学的新视角——图式理论在英语专业泛读教学实践中的体现(90-91)高梅[Abstract][PDF 85.30 K]


甘温除热法治疗发热探析(93-94)刘雪琴,王学岭[Abstract][PDF 91.12 K]

Garden spot for students

禹白附与关白附别名相同异药辨(95-95)张加英,陆肇中[Abstract][PDF 48.75 K]


中药复方研究现状与思路探析*(104-106)张镖[Abstract][PDF 147.64 K]

针灸治疗脑卒中假性延髓麻痹临床研究进展(107-109)王立颖[Abstract][PDF 158.14 K]

中医药治疗慢性盆腔炎临床研究进展(110-112)张桂芬[Abstract][PDF 145.00 K]

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