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Volume 26,Issue 4,2007 Table of Contents

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Explanation of “inversing life and getting happiness” from the ancient innocence theory(169-170)YU Tie-cheng[Abstract][PDF 79.44 K]

Generation of compound prescriptions and their characteristic and achievement in earlier Qin dynasty period(171-175)NIAN Li and YU Tie-cheng[Abstract][PDF 230.69 K]

Clinical meaning and application of “conjecture of exterior and interior events”(176-178)ZHANG Zhi-long[Abstract][PDF 138.48 K]

Brief discuss the relation of manipulation maneuver and curative effect(179-180)FU Jun,CUI Zeng-bin and TAN Tao[Abstract][PDF 86.84 K]

Nursing research

《宋略》成书年代考*(213-214)陈红梅[Abstract][PDF 91.33 K]

基于系统观的针灸网络课程系统(215-217)庞津,方伟[Abstract][PDF 147.99 K]


高龄腹膜透析患者合并心肌梗死1例(187-187)周胜元,杨洪涛,赵菁莉,邢海涛[Abstract][PDF 58.69 K]

自拟肾石通治疗泌尿系结石疗效观察(191-191)刘冬梅,王玉兴[Abstract][PDF 55.01 K]

整复推拿手法治疗胸椎后关节紊乱症80例疗效观察(205-205)张树津[Abstract][PDF 52.11 K]

中西医结合治疗口腔扁平苔藓(212-212)甄桂秀,张池金[Abstract][PDF 54.75 K]

Clinical research

Effect of massage on the largest momental angle at constant speed movement in patients with disease of vertebrae cervicales(181-184)WANG Yan-guo,YAN Jun-tao,FANG Min[Abstract][PDF 214.16 K]

Clinical observation on treating angina pectoris coronary heart disease (heart blood stasis syndrome) with qilong maitong capsule(185-187)DU Gui-qin and SUN Lan-jun[Abstract][PDF 155.67 K]

Experimental research

Effect of Jiashen prescription on the expression of AQP mRNA of cHF rats(188-191)WANG Yi,GUO Zhi-jun,XU Qiang[Abstract][PDF 215.81 K]

Determination of monoamine neurotransmitter and its metabolites by high performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection(192-195)YANG Jia-feng,LI Juan,YANG Hong[Abstract][PDF 256.31 K]

The effects of liuweidihuang pills on blood glucose and blood fat of diabetes mellitus rats(196-198)TAN Jun-zhen,LI Qing-wen,FAN Ying-chang[Abstract][PDF 144.21 K]

Research of traditional Chinese drug

Effect of baicalin on differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro(199-201)ZHANG Mi-xia,LI Yue,DU Rong[Abstract][PDF 387.79 K]

Determination of baicalin as a quality control index of Shuanghuanglian Dripping Pills(202-203)ZHOU Li-ling and ZHANG Shi-yu[Abstract][PDF 174.35 K]


浅析教师的综合素质与教学质量的关系(204-205)范英昌[Abstract][PDF 95.68 K]

建设中医基础理论重点学科的思路与举措(206-207)孟静岩[Abstract][PDF 95.91 K]

中药化学教学改革的几点体会(208-209)何永志,邓雁如,高缨,赵启铎[Abstract][PDF 83.65 K]


GC-MS identification of Artemisiae annuae herba, Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. and Mentha haplocalyx Briq. in Qingre Kanggan Granules(2010-212)WANG Jian,LI Jin,SUN Yue[Abstract][PDF 423.75 K]

Garden spot for students

初学《伤寒论》感悟(170-170)林伟刚[Abstract][PDF 43.76 K]


脑卒中临床疗效评价指标研究进展*(218-219)杨华,赵晓峰[Abstract][PDF 122.04 K]

针刺治疗中风后尿失禁临床研究概况*(220-221)李春梅,王敏[Abstract][PDF 116.24 K]

脉诊古代文献的研究现状*(222-224)陈广涛,王学岭[Abstract][PDF 160.50 K]

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