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Volume 32,Issue 1,2013 Table of Contents

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Forum for experts

Thought and experience of syndrome-differentiated treatment in pain syndrome(1-7)ZHOU An-fang[Abstract][PDF 417.61 K]

Theoretical study

Relationship of Essence, Qi and Spirit and health status assessment(8-11)ZHOU Xuan,YU Chun-quan,WANG Hong-wu,LU Xiao-zuo,WANG Hong-wu,LI Xiao-kang,CAO Shan,XU Fang,FENG Xian-ye,YANG Xiao-li and ZHOU Yan-hong[Abstract][PDF 479.05 K]

Brief discussion on diuretic actions of Paeonia Lactiflora Pall in Zhenwu decoction(12-13)TIAN Wen-quan[Abstract][PDF 470.42 K]

Clinical research

Correlation between four indicators of collagen and pathological stage in patients of chronic hepatitis B with blood stasis-obstructing collaterals(14-16)TANG Ge and GUO Hui[Abstract][PDF 555.07 K]

Treating adhesive intestinal obstruction with combined Chinese and Western medicine in 60 patients(17-19)CHEN Qing-hai[Abstract][PDF 579.25 K]

Effect of auricular acupuncture combined with convalescence on patients after artificial total knee substitution(20-23)TIAN Kai and NIU Bo-zhen[Abstract][PDF 639.76 K]

Experimental research

5-Azacytidine combined with salvianolic acid B can promote differentiation from bone marrow Mesenchymal stem cells derived from rats to cardiomyocytes(24-27)GAO Qing,JI Hong,HU Xian-tong,WANG Yi-jing and FAN Ying-chang[Abstract][PDF 718.24 K]

Effect of placing on home of BMSCs in myocardial remodeling after AMI and effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis(28-31)ZHAO Hai-bin,ZHANG Xiu-jing,WANG Shuai,GUO Meng,MA Di and XU Xiao ying[Abstract][PDF 717.04 K]

Research of traditional Chinese drug

Optimization of the extract process of New Shengmaisan tablet(32-35)LIU Jian-hai,CUI Wei-li,CHEN Tao and MENG Meng[Abstract][PDF 698.87 K]

Investigation on corneal permeability for Baicalin of SolutolHS 15 in vitro(36-39)ZHANG Rui,ZHAO Hai-nan,QU Ji-lan,LI Lin,LI Nan and LIU Zhi-dong[Abstract][PDF 775.63 K]

Simultaneous determination of preservatives content in Chinese herb syrups by gas chromatography(40-42)ZHAO Pei-li,WU Jing-ming,ZHANG Yi,HAN Xiao-yan and WU Li-ping[Abstract][PDF 778.97 K]

Determination of Mangiferin content in mango tree leaves(43-45)GUO Ling-ling,ZHANG Yi,LIU Er-wei,HAN Li-feng and WANG Tao[Abstract][PDF 804.59 K]


中医学专业认证促进专业内涵建设的探索(46-47)周亚滨,聂宏,谢春郁,张晶,李苑,王灵哲,客蕊[Abstract][PDF 718.05 K]

《金匮要略》PBL教学案例选编(48-49)张建梅,孟翔,马晓峰,任少辉,席鹏飞,陈华[Abstract][PDF 743.50 K]

网络化学习与PBL教学的整合模式在《康复评定学》教学中的应用(50-51)张健,郭永明,阎丽娟,李雷,陈练,陈爽白[Abstract][PDF 757.83 K]


External effect of extract of Cuscutae semen and Drynaria fortunei on activity of tyrosinase(52-54)DU Juan,XIA Jia-nan,SHEN Li,WANG Yuan-yuan,WANG Ya-ping and ZHANG De-qin[Abstract][PDF 840.62 K]

Garden spot for students

Application experience of Fuzi by professor LI Jin-qian(55-57)JING Xiao-xu,WANG Chan and LI Shu-mao[Abstract][PDF 783.00 K]


膝骨性关节炎的模型建立及软骨细胞培养的研究进展(58-60)赵强,王一洲[Abstract][PDF 809.42 K]

蜂蜜的外用功能主治研究进展(61-64)王元元,张德芹[Abstract][PDF 860.41 K]

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