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Volume 27,Issue 3,2008 Table of Contents

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Using up all energies and doing best for half a century for integrating Chinese medicine and western medicine(113-120)WU Xian-zhong[Abstract][PDF 448.94 K]

Challenge and strategy faced by branch of knowledge of acupuncture on new century(121-126)SHI Xue-min and ZHANG Chun-hong[Abstract][PDF 363.71 K]

Development and overview of pharmacokinetics study for fifty years(127-134)LIU Chang-xiao[Abstract][PDF 510.37 K]


Antidiabetic activity of traditional medicines in genetically type 2 diabetic mice(175-179)Torao Ishida,WANG Wei and Toshihiro Miura[Abstract][PDF 420.85 K]

Two thoughts omitted in treating difficult and complicated diseases with TCM(180-184)WU Qi[Abstract][PDF 310.39 K]


励精图治, 成就辉煌——针灸学科50年回眸(185-188)杜元灏[Abstract][PDF 210.64 K]

五十载薪火传承 半世纪硕果飘香——中医内科学50年发展历程(189-193)天津中医药大学中医内科重点学科组[Abstract][PDF 274.38 K]

创新推动发展, 信念成就事业——方剂学科50年的发展与成就(194-196)天津中医药大学中医内科重点学科组[Abstract][PDF 153.41 K]

万里云天万里路 代有玉树芝兰人——中医妇科学50年发展成就史(197-200)宋卓敏[Abstract][PDF 204.90 K]

抢抓机遇, 铸造辉煌——前进中的中药学科(201-203)天津中医药大学中药学科组[Abstract][PDF 155.32 K]

艰苦创业史 实力写辉煌——基础学科50年研究的历程与发展(204-205)范英昌[Abstract][PDF 104.11 K]

心身医学中医研究进展(206-208)张丽萍,颜红,侯冬芬[Abstract][PDF 156.07 K]


Interference of tonifying qi, activating blood and dispersing accumulation on pulmonary fibrosis and the mechanism research(209-212)SUN Zeng-tao,FENG Ji-hong,LI Xiao-juan[Abstract][PDF 320.33 K]

Instructive action of combining disease and syndromes, corresponding of prescriptions and syndrome on clinical application(213-216)ZHANG Jun-ping,GENG Xiao-juan,ZHU Ya-ping[Abstract][PDF 247.13 K]

Mathematic thinking method and theory of traditional Chinese medicine(217-219)WANG Yi-min,XIAO Er-gang,LI Xiao-wei[Abstract][PDF 203.19 K]

Source and clinical application of reinforcing spleen and elevating yang method(220-222)YUAN Hong-xia and CAO Li-xia[Abstract][PDF 207.19 K]

Thought and method in research of medical economics evaluation in treating patients with stroke with acupuncture(223-225)ZHAO Xiao-feng[Abstract][PDF 306.76 K]

How far was it between clinical trials and clinical practice(226-227)SHANG Hong-cai and XU Hong-juan[Abstract][PDF 169.46 K]


我与天津中医药大学(228-229)吴奇[Abstract][PDF 100.39 K]

Forum for experts

Blossoms in spring and fruit in fall, inherit the past create the future: celebrating Tianjin University of TCM for 50 years(135-138)GUO Zhen-qiu and YUAN Zhao-kai[Abstract][PDF 261.61 K]

General condition of TCM ancient literatures acquired from ancient remains in Japan(139-142)MA Ji-xing[Abstract][PDF 259.01 K]

Important position of Huangdi Neijing, in oriental medicine science: celebrating 50th anniversary of Tianjin University of TCM(143-146)LI Jin-yong[Abstract][PDF 263.63 K]

Research and study on medical morality of ZHANG Zhong-jing(147-150)KE Xue-fan and HE Xin-hui[Abstract][PDF 252.10 K]

Systemic research on syndrome of competing stagnation and heat each other(151-155)ZHOU Zhong-ying[Abstract][PDF 291.06 K]

Reading book, buying book and collecting book(156-158)ZHANG Can-jia[Abstract][PDF 201.13 K]

Impression and clinical application of Prof. YAN De-xin about the academic idea and experience of the famous doctors in past generations(159-162)HAN Tian-xiong,YAN Qian-ling,XING Bin[Abstract][PDF 262.78 K]

Some records in practicing medicine(163-167)GAO Jin-liang[Abstract][PDF 293.19 K]

Treating ovaries dysfunctional diseases with Chong-ren theory(168-170)HAN Bing,XIA Tian,GAO Hui[Abstract][PDF 228.81 K]

Outline of academic thoughts and clinical experience of professor ZHANG Da-ning(171-174)SI Fu-quan and ZHANG Da-ning[Abstract][PDF 244.07 K]

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